Yoga: In the beginning there was darkness and darkness was covered with darkness then came the light with sound ‘OM’ and OM gives rise to word knowledge which complied as the Vedas. In the haraki of Vedic knowledge there are four Vedas – Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama veda and Atharva Veda then come 04 Sub Vedas and 06 Limbs and then 06 Sub Limbs component out of which one is Yoga.
There are several types of Yoga as well Bhakti Yoga, Karama Yoga, Gyana yoga, Hatha yoga, Raj yoga , Mantra yoga, Shiva yoga, Naad yoga, Laya yoga and many more.
Rig Veda one the secret and oldest book in human history. It is about eight to ten Thousand year old and yoga is part of this Vedic literature. Maharaisi Patanjali considered to be authority on yoga, propounded yoga nearly 5000 year ago. Lord Krishna and many saints in india also spoken about the yoga. In the middle ages of yoga practice of yoga only confined for Royal and rich class, It was taught to student in Gurukul passing regress stress, In the recent year by the effort of many spiritual and religious leader in India. Now yoga is open for every human being on the planet. Yoga is Union of the body, mind and spirit; the Individual to the Universal yoga is realizing the connection between the finenight or infinenight, manifest and unmanifest. Yoga is breaking harmony in thought, word and deed.
Maharishi patanajali (Propounder of Yoga) elucidated eight limbs of yoga namely Yama (Social ethic), Niyama (personal ethic), Asana (Posture/ meditation seat), Pranyama (Breath control), Pratihare (Withdrawal of senses), Dharana (Concentration), Dhyana (meditative absorption), Samadhi (Union Integration). Today yoga is associated only physical posture where as central teaching of yoga maintain equanimous state of mind.
Ayurveda: In Sanskrit Ayurveda means science of life and it really is just that, it is a holistic form of health practices that really honors the mind, body and spirit. It encompasses diet, lifestyle, herbs and even yoga it’s considered yoga’s sister science, it truly honors the individual, so one regimen for one individual will not be the same for another individual.
Ayurveda’s origin in an ancient India and in fact the classical texts are actually written in the ancient language of Sanskrit. It has survived thousands years of various rulers and political struggles in india. India has preserved this science and now it its expanding around the world.
If you think why choose Ayurved? Especially when there are so many other options available in market then we will going to give you few reasons.
1. Ayurveda truly embraces the individual, Ayurveda believes that each person is born with his own innate constitution, which is a combination of various energies and qualities because of this no individual will have the same regimen as another individual
2. Aurveda really fosters self awareness and this is so powerful because you can make your own decisions about what to do based on how you are feeling day to day, moment to moment.
3. Ayurveda focuses on prevention. It addresses the underlying issues that accumulate and result in your feeling unwell. In doing so Ayurveda address root causes instead of the full list of symptoms. Lastly Ayurveda is truly intuitive. It based on nature so if you understand the basic patterns whole thing will become quite common sense to you.
Well most people think so but they have no idea where to get started, now we give you few foundational building blocks to know Ayurveda looks at the world in terms of Qualities, you know these qualities they are really common sense, for instance heavy and light, cold and hot, oily and rough. Then combine to make what we call Doshes or energies. Vata, pita, and Kapha you may heard of thses. Another way to think about these energies in the terms of the elements Vata’s also made up of air and ether, Pitta’s made up of fire and water and Kalpha is made up of water and earth. If you tap into that intuitive side that we spoke about, you will realize that these elements are totally tied to those qualities we talk about earlier.